Case Study: Inclusion within Urgent Decisions: Affordable housing design for post - disaster in Indonesia
In 2004, the Department of Architecture Institut Teknologi Sepuluh
Nopember (ITS) contributed a housing design proposal and
implementation of building construction for Tsunami Aceh. Eighteen
years after the program's performance, the change and continuity of
housing design concepts and buildings are still discussed and reviewed
from the sustainability perspective. The concept was developed based
on a community participation approach and adopted the basic housing
standard code (ADB House Design Standard). The Indonesian Institute
of Architects (IAI) for East Java contributed a housing design proposal
for the building recovery process when the Lumajang district of East
Java suffered from the Semeru Mountain Eruption at the end of 2021.
The IAI proposed the housing design concept of a 'Healing Home',
which has the quality of affordable and sufficient floor area, spatial
requirement and specification, safety and efficiency on building
Responding to Natural Disaster & Emergencies I 22
materials, and structure. This paper discusses the two cases by
examining the mitigation process and implementation—the last
discussion questions how both projects consider the inclusion aspects
based on community and stakeholders' involvement.
Rest Area Di Jalan Trans Wamena Kabupaten Puncak Jaya Provinsi Papua.
Perancagan fasilitas rest area di jalur wamena menuju kabupaten tolikara, mamberamo tengah, lanny jaya dan puncak
jaya sangat berpotensi untuk dijadikan fasilitas peristirahatan bagi penguna jalan tersebut, Dapat mengurangi
tinggi angka kecelakaan yang diakibatkan oleh factor manusia yang merasa lelah dan membutukan tempat
untuk bersitirahat.
Dimana dalam perancangan nantinya harus memperhatikan kebutuhan dari pengunanya sehingga penguna dapat merasa terfasilitasi dan nyaman dalam beristirahat pada bangunan rest area ini, perancangan rest area ini juga mengambil konsep ramah lingkungan yang tanggap terhadap respon dari alam, dan diharapkan mampu menjadi solusi dari isu-isu mengenai pembangunan yang berkelanjutan.
International Union of Architects (UIA) International Forum : AFFORDABLE HOUSING ACTIVATION (AHA) Removing Barriers - Mei 2022
This forum facilitates Architects around the world and other fields who have awareness of the built environment to develop it for the better, by removing any obstacles, especially for the development of adequate settlements for the community.
I participated in this forum directly in Madrid, Spain with some friends from ITS Architecture, ITN Malang Architecture, PUPR NTT, and friends from Consultants in Surabaya.
The most beautiful experience and impossible to forget, besides learning, it can also add insight and friends from all over the world, such as from Bangladesh, Chile, Madrid, Ukraine and so on.
Hopefully there will be similar opportunities in the future
Greetings, the Spirit of Learning and Learning